Roots of Divine Love – The Root Chakra

The first of our seven-part series, focusing on the physical, metaphysical and mythological/archetypal aspects of the Root chakra. Here, one can get a sense of the true nature of yoga, of which the asana practice (physical postures) only forms a small part of. The rishis of 5000+ years ago knew this mystical way of being and doing, and now it is available to all of us!

In the the sign of the fishes, we can connect today with inspiration (to allow for spirit to pass through us), art, especially poetry, imagination, and all the ways we can express that which is ineffable. With this little side project of Kai Von Pannier and I, we endeavor to showcase that yoga is so much more than just physical postures on the mat, and is instead a way of living and being, in alignment with our Soul’s expression.

This video is the first of our seven-part series, focusing on the physical, metaphysical and mythological/archetypal aspects of the Root chakra, revealing that for which we do not have words for, unless expressed through poetry, mythology and art. If we only think in terms of facts, we miss the truth and the magic which is right there in front of us. Please take 6 minutes of your day to let the essence of the root chakra wash over you, and connect with us if you wish to explore yoga in all its glorious facets.

Brought to you by
Yoga Essentials and Shadow Illumination Yoga &

Featuring : Monet Viljoen
Written and Spoken by : Monet Viljoen
Videographer : Kirsten De Beer
Produced by : Kai Von Pannier & Monet Viljoen
Production by Grand Polar

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