Article by: Ruby Andrew
Brief introduction and benefits of Yoga:
It is an art of performing physiological, psychological and philosophical practices with a view to tone the body system for the attainment of permanent peace of soul and mind.
Physiological benefits:
It includes like improvement of energy levels, immune system becoming stronger, endurance increases, improvement in the respiratory system, muscular strength increases, and reaction time increases and so on.
Psychological benefits:
It includes like concentration improvement, social skills increases, anxiety decreases, memory improvement, cognitive functions improves and many more.
Philosophical benefits:
It includes like one feels the inner peace of mind, the practitioner becomes more proactive then reactive, feels excited and enthusiastic, behavioral modifications, etc.
Some feel that Yoga is the direct way to unite our soul with the god and for the attainment of peace and prosperity in day to day life. Getting your child practicing yoga at such a tender age benefits the overall health of your loved ones.
Here are the 5 Ways to get your children Practicing Yoga with You:
- Disclose in front of children’s:
Children’s are inquisitive to their parent’s actions. If you practice yoga in front of your children, they are more likely to ask you questions about it. Try out some balancing or stretching yoga postures so that they can easily perform and make them feel exciting and interesting. At the end the positive and refreshing experience definitely makes them to love yoga.
- Involvement of fun:
It’s all about spending quality time with your children. Always remember to have fun and let them win. On the contrary, most parents want their children to get perfect in the manner they are. In that expectation they start building pressure on their children to improve his posture, again and again correcting their faults that sometimes even discourage them. They start feeling it to be monotonous or irritating. So, make sure to try in their own style as long as they don’t endanger themselves.
- Try to make it simple:
If you want to encourage your children about yoga never ever perform difficult poses at the initiation. Always choose easy and attractive poses that your children will be able to do without much exertion. Make them to try out some poses that sounds better like Bridge pose, Dancer pose, Sandwich pose, happy pose, etc. so that they get interested to perform yoga.
- Make them express themselves:
To foster your children about yoga allow them to produce an own space for practice, buy them yoga accessories like mat, warmer, and track pant or other things. Make sure that allow them to utilize anything that can advace them towards yoga. Including certain poses that your children love and giving them priority can really alter to love yoga by your child.
- Teach Some Breathing Exercises:
If your children finding difficulty in practicing yoga poses. Teach them some basic breathing exercises. Focusing on the breath is an important exercise and it can improve discipline and concentration and most important thing is it’s simple to practice. Do not expect your child to practice for a long period. A few minutes of breathing practice can have a calming effect. To make it more interesting and exciting, make your children to sit on your back while doing pushups or in your lap.
Practicing yoga together can benefit you and your child. The most important thing to remember is to teach your child yoga in a fun manner so that your child will be excited and practice yoga daily and in the case of any health issues arrived while practicing yoga it’s better to have EHIC card for low-cost treatment.
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