About Nana Wen

Nana is a creative bird of paradise  who likes to Zumba with a penguin!

Nana Wen

1. What is your favorite Yoga style and pose?
As a Gemini, I like to explore different physical movements at different pace and levels– ranging from general HIIT, to Ashtanga series, to Iyengar, to functional movements, to Tai Chi, to Pilates, to fascia flossing. To me, having variety is healthy – so I guess im just my own style? Lol. In terms of energetics and mindful practices, I embrace teachings from Taoism, Buddhism and Ayurveda.
At the moment, my pose is Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) using a sofa 😊

2. How did you get interested in Yoga?
I was on a brink of burn out and losing sanity after caring for my first born without much physical support – I started doing online videos at home in the beginning, but felt so good after a few weeks I decided to look for a physical class – I needed a peaceful yoga environment for time out.

3. If you could compare yourself to an animal, which would it be and why?
Hmm. I guess it would be some colourful birds of paradise? I like being creative – exploring through movement and painting, adventurous and free, and possessing sharp eyes

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4. What do you like to do in your free time?
Zumba (and dance fitness), Painting, Hiking and walking in forests, having tea/coffee with friends that share the same frequency as me.

5. What is the funniest thing that happened to you recently?
Having to use a funnel neck sweatshirt to cover my face while waiting on the road side as I forget to wear a mask. So embarrassing!

6. What’s the last thing you watched on TV and why did you choose to watch it?
My Octopus Teacher on Netflix – it was recommended by friends.

7. What’s your favorite drink?
Homemade chai tea😊

8. If a penguin wearing a sombrero walks through your front door, what does he say and why is he here?
Care for a tango?” (with sexy stare) – Asking me to dance!

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